Tuesday, 3 December 2013

December's novel and upcoming reads.

Hi Bookworms!

Thanks to all those that attended for lovely Christmas meal on Sunday at Chopstix, it was nice to enjoy a glass of wine and some yummy food with our discussion - we will have to do it more often!

There will be an upcoming cinema trip to see the film of the 'Book Thief' at some point in January - watch this space for details.

As for this month's read, it's a fantasy one for December in the form of Neil Gaiman's 'Coraline'. This is a short but spellbinding read so hopefully we will be able to fit it in alongside all the festivities. We will be meeting on Sunday January 5th at 8pm in the Black Lion to discuss this one.

Upcoming reads for 2014 will be:

January        Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow by Peter Hoeg        (Meet on Sun Feb 2nd)
February      Blue Boy by Rakesh Satyal                                   (Meet on Sun Mar 2nd)
March         Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee    (Meet on Sun Apr 6th)
April            Mort by Terry Pratchett                                        (Meet on Sun May 4th)

As always remember to follow us on twitter @booknantwich and any questions please email nantwichbookworms@gmail.com

Thanks, Kate