Friday, 9 September 2011

The Small Hand copies are here

All six copies of The Small Hand are already in my possession so if you would like an early copy please let me know and I'll drop you a copy over. Otherwise, I'll just bring them along to our next meeting on 25th. To whet your appetite I've just found this great Guardian review here. Just noticed it's a really short month for our read - hope my copy comes in soon :S See you all at The Big Cheese Film launch on Thursday!


  1. Looking forward to the film club launch on Thursday - you could bring the new book for us to collect then. You're not the only one who hasn't started A Time for Gifts yet, I'm still waiting for you-know-who to finish reading it first.

  2. Great, see you there! I'll bring books. My copy of Time for Gifts has at last arrived at the library - 10 days of frenzied reading I feel...
